Sample German English translation: Academia / literature

Quelltext auf Deutsch

Ein Rückblick bietet sich folglich an. Der Neoliberalismus entstand in den dreißiger Jahren; das in Deutschland aus ihm hervorgegangene ordoliberale Konzept der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft ist ein Geschöpf der vierziger Jahre. Wesentliche konzeptionelle Bestandteile der später in Deutschland so erfolgreichen Sozialen Marktwirtschaft wurden in Freiburg entwickelt.

“Sulet” nennt man die bleiche Septembersonne, die den Weintrauben ihre Farbe verleiht. Aus den aromatischen weißen Weintrauben gewinnt man durch eine lange und besondere Gärung diesen leuchtend stroh- bis goldfarbenen, duftenden Wein, der frisch und harmonisch schmeckt und an verschiedene Blumen erinnert. Dieser Wein wird idealerweise zu leichten Vorspeisen und magerem Fleisch serviert, passt jedoch am allerbesten zu kräftigen, würzigen Käsesorten.

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A review therefore offers itself. Neo-liberalism emerged in the thirties, which in Germany that emerged from his ordo-liberal concept of the social market economy is a creature of the forties. Major conceptual elements of the later in Germany so successful social market economy have been developed in Freiburg.

"Sulet" are the pale September sun, which gives the grapes their color. From the aromatic white grapes to win by a long and special fermentation these bright straw to golden colored, fragrant wine that tastes fresh and harmonious, reminiscent of different flowers. This wine is ideally served with light appetizers and lean meat, but it fits best to the strong, spicy cheeses.

By Bing Translator

A review offers itself as a result. Neo-liberalism was founded in the 1930s; The ordo-liberal concept emerged from him in Germany of the social market economy is a creature of the 1940s. Essential conceptual elements of the a social market economy successful later in Germany have been developed in Freiburg.

This is called "Sulet" the pale September Sun that gives the grapes their color. From the aromatic white grapes to win it by a long and special fermentation bright stroh-to gold-coloured, scented wine that tastes fresh and harmonious and reminiscent of different flowers. This wine is ideally served with light appetizers and lean meat, however to fit the very best to strong, spicy cheeses.

By premier translations

Looking back, we find that neoliberalism emerged in the thirties. The resulting ordo-liberal concept of a social market economy was a creature created in the forties in Germany. Freiburg was the birthplace of key conceptual elements of the social market economy that were later highly successful in Germany.

Locals use the name Sulet for the pale September sun that lends its color to the wine grapes. A long and special fermentation process transforms these aromatic grapes into a wine radiating a straw-like to vivid golden color, with a fresh and harmonious palate reminiscent of various flowers. This wine pairs with light appetizers and lean meats, but is best suited to strong and spicy cheeses.


German-English translations