Sample German English translation: Résumés / job applications

Quelltext auf Deutsch

Herr TOP hat sich sehr schnell und umsichtig in die verschiedenen Aufgabenbereiche eingearbeitet. Die ihm übertragenen Aufgaben löste er stets engagiert und zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit. Dabei brachte er eigene Beiträge mit sehr guten Ergebnissen ein. Besonders hervorzuheben sind Herrn TOPs schnelle und präzise Auffassungsgabe, sein zielorientierter und selbständiger Arbeitsstil, seine genaue und systematische Arbeitsweise und seine hohe Einsatzbereitschaft, die es ihm ermöglichten, auch komplexen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden.

Punktsumme aus 6 Leistungskursen in dreifacher Wertung und den beiden Leistungskursen des Abschlusshalbjahres in einfacher Wertung.

By Google Translate

TOP Lord has worked very quickly and prudently in the various missions. The tasks assigned to him, he always engaged and resolved to our complete satisfaction. He brought his own posts with very good results. Particularly noteworthy are Mr. TOPs quick and accurate perception, be goal oriented and independent work style, his accurate and systematic way of working and high motivation, which enabled him to deal with complex needs.

Point total of 6 credit courses in three score and two credit courses in the final six months in a simple score.

By Bing Translator

Mr TOP has incorporated itself very quickly and prudently in the various areas of responsibility. He solved the tasks entrusted to him always committed and to our complete satisfaction. Here, he introduced their own posts with very good results. Notable TOPs are Mr fast and precise understanding, his goal-oriented and independent working style, his accurate and systematic way of working and its high operational readiness, which enabled him to meet complex requirements.

Total of 6 courses in triple rating and the two form of the final six months simple classification.

By premier translations

Mr. TOP quickly and conscientiously familiarized himself with the various tasks. We were extremely pleased with his level of commitment and performance of the assigned tasks at all times. His contributions were also very helpful. It is especially worth mentioning that Mr. TOP was also able to handle complex demands, because he is a fast learner who is precise, extremely willing to work, independent, meticulous, systematic, and goal-driven.  

Sum of scores from six major subjects in triple weighting, plus two major subjects during the final six months in single weighting.


German-English translations