Sample German English translation: Management consulting

Quelltext auf Deutsch

Unternehmenskrisen treten nicht über Nacht auf und sind in der Regel auch nicht monokausal erklärbar. Vielmehr entwickeln sie sich über einen längeren Zeitraum – meist vergehen mehrere Jahre, bis die Krise offen zutage tritt – und spiegeln das Zusammenwirken einer Vielzahl von Einflussfaktoren wider. Dabei lassen sich grundsätzlich externe und interne Ursachen von Unternehmenskrisen unterscheiden.

By Google Translate

Corporate crises do not occur overnight and are usually not mono-causal explanation. Rather, they develop over a longer period of time - usually several years elapse before the crisis as becomes evident - and reflect the interaction of a variety of factors. Can be distinguished in principle external and internal causes of business crises.

By Bing Translator

Corporate crisis occur overnight and are generally also not mono negligence be explained. Rather, they develop over a period of time – usually take several years, until the crisis openly revealed - and reflect the interaction of a variety of factors. It can be distinguished from corporate crisis basically external and internal causes.

By premier translations

Corporate crises do not surface overnight, and cannot typically be traced to a single cause. Rather, they develop over long periods of time, usually taking years for the crisis to become apparent and reflect the interaction of multiple factors. In principle, one can fundamentally distinguish between internal and external causes of corporate quandaries.


German-English translations