Sample German English translation: Tourism / fashion

Quelltext auf Deutsch

Unsere kleine malerische Fachwerkstadt mit ihrer 750-jährigen lebhaften Geschichte hat es dank ihres romantischen Flairs über all die Jahrhunderte hinweg stets verstanden, Bewunderer und Liebhaber aus den Reihen der Reisenden, Wanderer und Besucher zu gewinnen.

Draußen und drinnen, bei Wind und Wetter und Sonne - so oder so ein besonderes Erlebnis für Geist, Körper und Seele. Entspannung mitten in der Natur mit einmaligem Blick auf den romantischen BBB-See mit seinem spiegelglatten Wasser und die imposanten Berge. Ob Sauna, Sanatorium, Hotpot, Badewannengarten oder Dampfgrotte, jeder findet einen Winkel im Freien, um sich wohl zu fühlen und die freie Natur zu genießen.

Lässige Schnitte, Leichtigkeit und Funktionalität sind neben dem trendbewussten Design von XXX-Maternity die herausragenden Merkmale der Umstandsmode. Fast alle Materialien haben einen kleinen Anteil Elastan, um für die gesamte Schwangerschaftszeit tragbar und komfortabel zu sein. Außerdem bieten variable Bundlösungen jeder werdenden Mama genügend Freiraum.

By Google Translate

We own small picturesque medieval town with its 750-year history, thanks to its lively romantic flair all over the centuries, always been able to attract admirers and lovers from among the travelers, hikers and visitors.

Outside and inside, in wind and weather and sun - either way a great experience for mind, body and soul. Relaxation in the midst of nature with unique views of the lake with its romantic BBB-mirror-smooth water, and the imposing mountains. Whether sauna, sanatorium, hotpot, garden tub or steam room, each one angle is outside, in order to feel comfortable and enjoy the great outdoors.

Casual cuts, lightness and functionality are the next trend-conscious design of XXX-Maternity salient features of maternity wear. Almost all materials have a small share spandex in order to be acceptable and comfortable for the entire pregnancy period. Federation also offer variable solutions every expectant mom enough free space.

By premier translations

Throughout its 750-year history, our small, vibrant, picturesque town of timber framework homes has always been able to attract admirers and connoisseurs from among the masses of travelers, backpackers, and visitors, and to infuse them with its romantic flair.

Indoors or outdoors, in windy, rainy, or sunny weather – the experience is extraordinary for one’s mind, body, and soul! Relax in the midst of nature, overlooking the singular, romantic BBB Lake with its glassy surface and imposing mountain backdrop. Yet, there is a corner in the open to satisfy and fulfill every heart’s desire – with a sauna, sanatorium, Hotpot (kind of hot tub), a bathtub garden, and a steam grotto.

XXX maternity’s outstanding features are trendy designs marked by casual styles, lightness, and functionality. Almost all fabrics contain a bit of spandex, which makes them easy and comfortable to wear throughout the pregnancy. Moreover, the variety of available waistbands assures great comfort for all expectant mothers.


German-English translations