Sample German English translation: General correspondence etc.

Quelltext auf Deutsch

Sehr geehrte Herr RRR,

vielen Dank für das interessante und konstruktive Gespräch in Ihrem Hause und Ihr Interesse an unserem Unternehmen und MMM-Financials. Wunschgemäß haben wir Ihnen ein Angebot für eine gemeinsame Projektrealisierung zusammengestellt. Die Details entnehmen Sie bitte den folgenden Seiten bzw. den Anlagen. Für Fragen oder ein weiteres persönliches Beratungsgespräch steht Ihnen Herr CCC gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

By Google Translate

Dear Mr. RRR,

Thanks for the interesting and constructive conversation in your home and your interest in our company and MMM Financials. As requested, we have put together an offer for a joint project implementation. The details please see the following pages or the equipment. For questions or further personal consultation, please contact Mr. CCC disposal.


By Bing Translator

Dear Mr RRR,

Thank you for the interesting and constructive conversation in your home and your interest in our company and MMM-financials. At we have compiled an offer for a joint implementation of the project. Check the details of the following pages or the equipment. For questions or an another personal consultation Mr CCC is available.

With kind regards

By premier translations

Dear Mr. RRR,

Thank you very much for the interesting and constructive discussion in your office. We appreciate your interest in our firm and MMM Financials. We are pleased to submit the requested proposal to assist you in accomplishing your project, as detailed in the following pages and attachments. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. CCC for any questions you may have.  



German-English translations